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January/February 2016
Automotive Trend toward Customization Adds Complexity
by Dianna Brodine
Methods and Materials for Difficult Pad Printing Applications
by John Kaverman, Pad Print Pros LLC
When Vibration Welding is the Best Choice
by Jeffrey Frantz, Branson
Use a Process-Neutral Approach when Selecting an Assembly Method
by Jeffrey Frantz, Branson
A New Look at an Old Technology: Water Transfer Printing
by Victor Rojas, TWN Industries, Inc.
Tech Watch: United Silicone's Evolution HT
by Brittany Willes
Q&A: Plasma Treating
by Andy Stecher, Plasmatreat
Build a Culture of Volunteered Accountability
by Randy Pennington, The Pennington Group

October/November 2015
Market Trends for IMD and IML
by Dianna Brodine
Using Decorative Film Laminates with In-Mold Decoration to Increase Design Flexibility
by Len Poole, Soliant, a division of AkzoNobel
Performance of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tapes Under Different Strain Rates
by N. Pemberton-Pigott, G. Burger and D.A. Wasylyshyn, BlackBerry Ltd.
IMDA Award Winners Announced
by Plastics Decorating
Increasing Pad Printing Productivity and Efficiency
by John Kaverman, Pad Print Pros, LLC
Overreaching on a Non-Compete Can Be Costly
by David Carr, Ice Miller LLP
Laser Texturing Adds Another Level of In-Mold Decoration Possibilities
by Chad Hase, GF Machining Solutions
Tech Watch: CBW Automation
by Brittany Willes

July/August 2015
Improving the Adhesion of UV-Curable Coatings
by Andrew Stecher and Paul Mills, Plasmatreat US
Industrial Inkjet Printing onto Wearables
by Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, and Dene Taylor, Ph.D., SPF-Inc.
SGIA Expo Showcases Innovation in Atlanta
by Plastics Decorating
Reimagining Traditional Technologies for Container Decorating
by Dianna Brodine
Meeting Demand in the Ad Specialties Market
by Jen Clark
Five Barriers to Implementing Strategic Direction
by David Waits, Waits Consulting Group, Inc.
Q&A: Laser Welding of Plastics
by John Paul "J.P." Kurpiewski, Branson Ultrasonics Corporation
Compatible Inks for Plastic Substrates
Tech Watch: OMSO ServoBottle 8
by Brittany Willes

April/May 2015
Beauty is in the Eye of the Consumer
by Dianna Brodine
The Value of QFD in New Product Development
by Perry Parendo, Perry's Solutions, Inc.
UV Technology for In-Mold Labeling
by Ron Schultz, In-Mold Decorating Association
Polyethylene Fuzed Graphics Enter the Market
by Marty Mares, Polyfuze Graphics Corp.
FDA-Approved Additives Boost Inline Plastics Laser Marking
by Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group
Material Considerations in Ultrasonic Welding
by Tom Kirkland,
Fall Protection, Hazard Communication Top OSHA's Citation List
by Jen Clark
Understanding Reactive Gas Technology
by Prakash Iyer, Inhance Technologies
Tech Watch: Branson Ultrasonics
by Brittany Willes

January/February 2015
CI Medical Cuts Into the Health Care Industry
Balancing Automation with the "Right" Assembly Technology
NPE2015 Brings Technology and Education to Orlando
Preparing for Machine Installation
Q&A: Pad Printing Ink Options Expand
Best Practices for Bonding Semi-Crystalline Thermoplastics
Technology Innovation in Plastics Decorating
Tech Watch: Innovative Digital Systems' Mach1 Digital System
IMDA Survey Offers Insight into IMD/IML Trends

October/November 2014
Expanding the Market for In-Mold Decorating
by Dianna Brodine
IMDA Award Winners Announced
by Plastics Decorating
Basic Test Methods for In-Mold Labels
by AWA Alexander Watson Associates
Physical Vapor Deposition and UV-Curable Coatings
by Jason T. Eich, Eileen Weber, Phil Abell, Kristy wagner and Chris Mack, Red Spot Paint and Varnish Company
Advancements in the Plastics Joining Industry
by Jeffrey Frantz, Branson Ultrasonics Corporation
UV Inkjet vs. Traditional Analog Decoration
by Tim Scully, Engineered Printing Solutions
Using the P.L.U.S.H. Sales Process Methodology
by Chuck Reaves

July-August 2014
Diamond Screen Process Sees More Growth
in its Future
by Amy Bauer
SGIA Show Preview
by Plastics Decorating
Why Invest in Digital Decoration?
by Chris DeMell, ITW Security and Brand Identity
Ultrasonic Welding with Automation and Robotics
by Udo Skarke, Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
Corona Discharge Surface Treatment
by Bruce Stobbe, Corotec Corporation
Position Your Environment for Safety
by Garrison Wynn, CSP
Structural Bonding Alternatives for Plastics
by Rachel B. Nashett, Henkel Corporation
Association News
by Plastics Decorating

April-May 2014
CVG FinishTEK Builds on Hydrographics Excellence
by Amy Bauer
Advantages of Infrared Welding in Thermoplastics Manufacturing
by Dave Clothier, FRIMO, Inc.
Q&A: IML-I vs. IML-T
by Roman Artz, Inland Label
Registration Now Open for TopCon 2014
by Plastics Decorating
Hot Stamping for Three-Dimensional Parts
by Allan Quimby, KURZ Transfer Products, L.P.
Gas-Phase Surface Pretreatments for Plastics Adhesion
by Scott Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
Cleanroom Considerations
by Ron Kosmalski, Clean Air Technology, Inc.

January-February 2014
Optimizing the Parameters for Microwave UV Curing
by Madeline Kraizel and Hallie Smith-Petee, Nordson Corporation
Erler Industries Powers Forward with Automotive Decorating
by Amy Bauer
Breakthrough Additives Enhance Plastics Laser Marking
by Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
What are the Differences in Drying and Curing Pad Printing Inks?
by John Kaverman, Pad Print Pros LLC
After Gridlock, Plastics Industry Looks to Federal Policy Modernization
by William Carteaux, SPI
Advantages of a Servo-Driven Ultrasonic Welder
by Plastics Decorating

October-November 2013
IML an Award-Winning Growth Strategy for Magenta LLC
by Amy Bauer
The Elements of Green Pad Printing
by David Ho, Kent Engineering Co., Ltd.
2013 IMDA Awards Competition
by Plastics Decorating
Keeping Contamination Problems at Bay
by Ed Crutchley,
In-Mold Label Market Study Assesses Industry
by Plastics Decorating
Methods for Adhesion Bonding of Polyphenylene Sulfide
by Scott Sabreen, The Sabreen Group
Optimizing Ultrasonic Welding Results
by Jeffrey Frantz, Branson Ultrasonics Corp.

July-August 2013
Creative Services Set Berry Plastics Apart
by Dianna Brodine
2013 SGIA Expo Seeks the Sun in Orlando
Progress in Lasers Improves Polymer Joining
by Tony Hoult, IPG Photonics
Play or Pay? Look to Payroll System for ACA Help
by Marsha Oliver, CPA, Mize Houser & Company P.A.
Innovating Inkjet Technologies for Plastic Products
Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group and Dene Taylor, Ph.D., SPF-Inc
Surface Treatment Challenges
by Dianna Brodine

April-May 2013
Accuracy and Experience are Hallmarks for Accubeam
by Amy Bauer
Applying Variable Data with Digital Thermal Transfer Marking
by John Kaverman, Pad Print Pros, LLC
Considerations in Frequency, Thermoplastic Type and Metal Type for Ultrasonic Horns
by Gary Clodfelter, PATSONICS
Durable Graphics Add to Product Security, Branding
by Plastics Decorating
In Bed with the Enemy
by Ed Rigsbee, CSP, CAE
ANTEC 2013 Draws 2,000 Attendees

January-February 2013
Pad Printing Trends Today and in the Future
by Jeff Peterson
CPX Excels at Decorating Solutions for the Appliance Industry
by Amy Bauer
Port Sealing: An Effective Heat Sealing Solution
by Lance Crawford, Thermal Press International, Inc.
Recent Innovation in 3D and Tactile Effects in Plastics
by Ed Crutchley, Plastics Decoration Technology Watch
Formulating Plastics for Direct Laser Marking
by Scott Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.

October-November 2012
Adhesives for Assembly
by Edward A.Y. Fisher, engineering manager, Henkel Corp.
Trend Analysis to Acquire Knowledge at Increased Volumes
by Perry Parendo, Perry’s Solutions, Inc.

July-August 2012
Innovation and Sustainability Drive UV-Cured Powder Coating Developments
by Michael Knoblauch and
Ryan Schwarb, Keyland Polymer Ltd.
Ultrasonic Welding: The Need for Speed Control
by Tom Kirkland, Tributek

April-May 2012
Heat Transfers
by Eric Steinwachs, United Silicone
NPE2012 Launch Pad for New Assembly Products
by Staff

January-February 2012
Stepper Motor Technology in Pad Printing
by John Kaverman, Pad Print Pros
Technology for Bottle Screen Printing
by Tim Berenda, OMSO North America, Inc.

October-November 2011
Technology Offers Options for
RF Welding of Green Materials
by Amy Bauer
Understanding Transactional Costs
by Scott Walton, Harbour Results, Inc.

July-August 2011
Polymer Clichés for Pad Printing
by John Kaverman, Tampoprint
When is it Time to Digitally Decorate?
by Craig Smith and Darlene Putz, Innovative Digital Systems, LLC

April-May 2011
Digital Heat Transfers
by Matt Regan and Chris Blanken
The Great Ultrasonic Stack Joint Debate: Who should you listen to?
by Tom Kirkland, Tributek

January-February 2011
Greener Solutions for Pad Printing
by John Kaverman, Tampoprint International Corporation
Weldability of Bioplastics
by Julius Vogel and David Grewell, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University

October-November 2010
Exterior UV-Curable Topcoat For Physical Vapor Deposition Applications
by Kristy Wagner and Jennifer R. Smith, Red Spot Paint and Varnish Company, Inc.
In-Mold Decorating with Pre-Printed Film Inserts
by Ann Marie Lentz, Technical Launch Manager, Serigraph Inc.

July-August 2010
Adhesive Selection for Effective Plastic Bonding
by Anne Forcum, Christine Marotta, Mike Williams, and Nicole Laput, Henkel Corporation
Industrial Direct to Product Decorating in the Digital Age
by Sigi Knappik, New Business Development Manager, ITW Trans Tech

April-May 2010
Exploring the Ultrasonic Welding Stack
by Ken Holt, Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
IML Solutions: Five Experts Share Advice
by Renée Varella
The Science of Solving Plastics Adhesion Problems: Contact Angles – Surface Wetting – Chemical Activation
by Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.

January-February 2010
Cold Gas Plasma Surface Modification - Optimize Plastics Bonding Adhesion
by Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
New v. Used - Points to Ponder
by Tom Kirkland,
October-November 2009
Choosing the Best Plastic Joining Process for the Application
by Bill Heatherwick, Branson Ultrasonics Corporation
Wear Damage of Decorated Parts - Techniques to Understand and Improve Testing
by By Alan D. Jaenecke, TABER® Industries
July/August 2009
Beyond the Bling - PVD/UV Coating Systems that offer more than Beauty and Brawn
by Paul Mills and Jake Adams, Kalcor Coatings Company
Inkjet Printing
by Scott Sabreen, the Sabreen Group
Screen Preparation - A Cornerstone for Successful Screenprinting
by Denise Breard, Contract Associate, SGIA
April/May 2009
Ins and Outs of Hot Stamping v. Heat Transfer
by Keith Hillestad, United Silicone
Surface Activation Systems for Optimizing Adhesion to Polymers
by Rory A. Wolf, Enercon Industries Corporation
Surviving in an Economic Downturn
by Staff
January/February 2009
Basic Material Science for Plastics Laser Marking
by Scott R. Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
Recent Advances in the Laser Welding of Plastics
by Bill Cawley, GENTEX Corporation
The Components of a Quality Pad
by John Kaverman
October/November 2008
Advancements in Paint System Design
by Dominic Zerilli, Thierica Equipment Company
Applying Lean Manufacturing to In-Mold Decoration
by Bob Travis, Vibrant Graphics
Questions about Ultrasonic Welding
by Ken Holt, Hermann Ultrasonics, Inc.
July-August 2008
Ask the Expert
by Henry L. Newman, Newman Printing Equipment, Inc.
The InfraStake Process - Seeing the Light
by Scott Beute, Extol, Inc.
The Perception of Color
by John Kaverman, Innovative Marking Systems
April-May 2008
All Vibration Welding Applications Are Not Created Equal
by Bill Heatherwick, Automotive Market Manager, Branson Ultrasonics Corporation
Inks for IML: Proper Choices for Premium Results
by Tom Hammer, Product Manager, North America, Flint Group Narrow Web
Questions on Servo-Driven Hotstamping Machines, Heat Transfer v. Foil Stamping, and Rainbows and Blushing
by Neil Meador, Permadur Industries, Inc.
To Decorate or Not to Decorate... That is the Question!
by Jeff Peterson
January-February 2008
Laser Marking and Machine Vision Codes for Product Security & Traceability
by Scott R. Sabreen
Ultrasonic Welding - Which Frequency
by Tom Kirkland
Understanding the Pad in Pad Printing
by Peter Kiddell, PDS Consulting
Water Transfer Printing Technology
by Mike Richards, TWN Industries, Inc.
October-November 2007
Ask the Expert
by Ken Holt, Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
In-mold Labeling - Product Decorating with a Future
by Dr. William Llewellyn, Vice President, AWA Alexander Watson Associates BV
Modern Flexible Coating Lines - Optimized for Demanding Coatings
by John Lowens B.Sc. M.InstMC SPRIMAG Spritzmaschinenbau Gmbh & Co KG, Kirchheim-Teck
Powder Coating - Recent Advancements for Industrial Plastics Applications
by Scott Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
July-August 2007
Ask the Expert
by Scott Sabreen, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
Multi-color Screenprinting for Cylindrical Plastic Parts
by Staff
Pad Printing on Textured Surfaces
by John Kaverman, Innovative Marking Systems
April-May 2007
Roll On Hot Stamping
by Neil Meador
The Direction of State-of-the-Art Inkjet Technology
by Annette M. Sharon
UV Color Inkjet Printing for Plastics: Technology Developments for Digital Applications
by Scott R. Sabreen
January-February 2007
Advancements in Laser Marking of Plastics
by Scott R. Sabreen
Cliché Choices Not So Cut and Dried
by Jeff Peterson
Three-Dimensional Laser Welding
by Jerry Zybko, LEISTER Technologies, LLC and J.W. Chen, LEISTER Process Technologies
October-November 2006
Plastic Welding: Optimal Joint Strength is Rare in the Real World
by Tom Kirkland
UV Curable Inks and Special Effect Decorative Pigments
by Scott Sabreen
July-August 2006
Screen Printing Application Technique - The Value of Using High(er) Screen Tension
by Scott R. Sabreen and Mike Young, The Sabreen Group, Inc.
Ultrasonic Plastic Welding: Weld Processing Modes, their Descriptions, Functions, and Applications
by Kenneth A. Holt, Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
April-May 2006
Advances in UV-curable Ink Jet
by Mario Carluccio
Staking & Insertion - Why Heat is the Better Choice
by Michael J. Brunetti
January-February 2006
Heatstaking in a Nutshell
by Eric Gregorich, Plastic Assembly Systems
Multi-color Pad Printing with Automation
by Christopher Connell, ITW Trans Tech
October-November 2005
Electrostatics Advantageous for In-Mold Labeling
by Jay Perry
Flame Plasma Surface Treatment Improves Adhesion of Polymers
by Joseph DiGiacomo and Scott Sabreen
July-August 2005
Pad Printing Tips - Increase Efficiency AND Profitability
by Steve Smith - Diversified Printing Technologies
The Process of Vibration Welding
by Jordan Rotheiser, Rotheiser Design Inc.
April-May 2005
Hot Stamp/Heat Transfer Decorating and Tooling
by Brenda Denny, United Silicone
Thermal Processing - An Overview
by Paul Hurley and Tony Ward, Turnkey Technologies, Inc.
January-February 2005
Computer-to-Plate - The Future for Pad Printing
by Benjamin Adner
In-mold Labeling Standards
by Ron Schultz
October-November 2004
Hot Stamping Basics
by Neil Meador
Molded Part Considerations: Troubleshooting the Ultrasonic Welding Process
by Kenneth A. Holt, Herrmann Ultrasonics, Inc.
July-August 2004
Common Problems Associated with Pad Printing
by Liam Clancy
Global Trends in Automotive Electronics Plastic Decoration
by Paul Uglum
April-May 2004
Finding Quantity and Quality
by Norton Kaplan, Automated Assemblies Corporation
Overcoming Challenges when Applying Heat Transfers
by Staff
January-February 2004
Estimating Pad Printing Costs
by John Kaverman, Innovative Marking Systems
Straight Talk About Laser Welding of Thermoplastics
by Tom Kirkland, Dukane Intelligent Assembly Solutions, St. Charles, Illinois, USA
October-November 2003
In-Mold Labeling - Where to Begin?
by Jonathan Lim of Avery Dennison Industrial Products Division
Time Management - Directing the One Resource You Can Control
by Kym Conis
July-August 2003
Minimizing Set-Up and Changeover Times
by John Kaverman
UV Screen Printing Inks for Plastics
by Jeff Morris
April-May 2003
Die Mounting System Choices
by Staff
Preparing Plastics for Painting
by Scott Sabreen and Norman Roobol
January-February 2003
Better, Faster, Cheaper - Trends in Plastic Nameplates
by Bob Trkovsky, VP Sales and Marketing, Spartanics
Working Through Common Pad Printing Challenges
by Steve Costner, Tampoprint International
October-November 2002
Troubleshooting the Polymer Cliché Making Process
by John Kaverman
Zeroing in on a Moving Target
by Jordan Rotheiser
July-August 2002
Breaking Down UV Curable Coatings
by Scott Sabreen and Norman Robool
Container Decorating Challenges
by Henry L Newman
April-May 2002
Prepress Key to Offset Printing Success
by Staff
The Basics in Joint Design for Ultrasonic Assembly
by Staff
January-February 2002
Fixturing Key to Hot Stamped Parts
by Jeff Peterson
Making the Right Choice - Pad Printing Machinery
by John Kaverman
October-November 2001
New Innovations in 3D Curved Parts Decorating
by Jeff Peterson
Open Well versus Sealed Ink Cups
by Staff
July-August 2001
Decorating Hollow Parts
by Jordan Rotheiser
UV Inks For Screen Printing Offers Many Advantages
by Staff
April-May 2001
Selecting the Right Hot Stamping Equipment
by Jeff Peterson
Ultrasonic Welding: Set-up Parameters
by Staff
January-February 2001
Is Making Your Own Screens the Right Choice for You?
by Jeff Peterson
Optimal Conditions for Pad Printing
by John Kaverman
October-November 2000
Heat Transfers - More Than an Image on a Roll
by Jeff Peterson
Mixing and Matching Pad Printing Inks
by Jeff Peterson
July-August 2000
In-Mold Decorating - What are the Options?
by Jordan Rotheiser
Tooling for Screen Printing Plastic Containers
by Jeff Peterson
April-May 2000
Foil Choices Crucial to Successful Job
by Jeff Peterson
Ultrasonic Welding
by Carla Davenport
January-February 2000
Challenges with Screen Printing Polyethylene and Polypropylene
by Staff
Marketing on the Web
by Carla Davenport